Check out the new Yoga Books page!

Can a yogi ever have too many yoga books?  I highly doubt it.  My current collection of yoga books takes up about three feet of shelf space…and it seems to be getting bigger.  I’m always somewhere in the middle of a yoga book.

If you’re looking for the perfect yoga book, you’ve come to the right place.  I recently added a page to Daily Cup of Yoga just for yoga books. The page is in its infancy right now, but should grow exponentially in the near future!  You can peruse the books on the Yoga Books page or check out my Daily Cup of Yoga Store for product reviews of all the books, DVDs, and yoga accessories you could ever want.  Maybe if I get ambitious I’ll start adding my own book reviews.

If you know of other yoga books that you enjoy, please share them with our readers in the comments and they will (most likely) be added to the list.

A Year of Living Your Yoga


  1. I completely agree, one can never have enough books. Especially yoga books…

    I just read “Anatomy and Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries” by Susi Hately Aldous for my yoga teacher training, and I found it really useful. It’s a little geeky, but if you’re interested in anatomy it’s a great book!

  2. Hey, totally agree…i don’t think i can have enough yoga books. Hopefully in time i’ll get over my desire…work on the ‘Aparigraha’. Here are a few books i read recently which are pretty cool.
    The Yoga of Breath: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pranayama
    by Richard Rosen
    The Yoga Matrix (CD)
    Richard Freeman

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